NVC in your daily life
Wouldn’t it be nice to live up to our own lecturing in our daily communication? Marshall B. Rosenbergs fundamental book (1) provides not only his wisdom in general. Very often I find small but useful hints which help me transfer elements of NVC into my daily life. Such as the story of his friend who was uncertain how to implement his new skills. He produced a small card and used it as a crip sheet. Immediately he realised how useful this little „cheat“ was. After e few days he did not even need to look at it. Just the fact, that he carried it in his wallet was enough to make him confident about his new skills. I copied this strategy and it helps a lot. Even my family gives me the feedback, that I’m much more relaxed, since I carry the card with me.(1)Source: M.B.Rosenberg, Gewaltfreie Kommunikation, Junfermann Verlag Paderborn 11.Aufl.2013, p.174